Spinning Out of Control

As a manager, do you ever find yourself overwhelmed and feeling like things are spinning out of control? Monday morning… my mind is racing. Woke up early thinking of all the things needing to get done. Then thought of all the things I promised someone else I’d help out on. When was the last time you […]

Quit Reacting! 5 Steps to Keeping Your Leadership Sanity

Download this flyer Stress and conflict. Conflict and stress. It’s all around us– at work, at home, on vacation. What about that last committee meeting you just attended– the one that was so tense you could just feel the heat start to rise? Or what about that family gathering you just attended– the one that […]

Keys to Lead Well

Understand what impassions YOU! What drives your engine? Create a vision for where you want to go. People will only follow those who can ‘see’ and communicate vision. Keep your eye on the goal. A little everyday will result in long‐term wins! Understand that not everyone is like you! Find out what motivates THEM! Learn […]

Default Leadership

As we travel throughout the U.S. and overseas, we see windmills everywhere we go. They are symbols of ingenuity and principle. Yet it’s always interesting to note the condition and physical state of use or disrepair. Each one reminds me of the condition of our leadership. Is it working to its full potential or is it […]

The Man in the Windmill

Do you remember hearing stories as a child and still recall the moral they portrayed – even to this day in adulthood? I do. My dad used to tell me a thrilling bed-time story about a man who owned a very squeaky, problematic windmill. The man, not being very mechanically inclined, asked repair advice and help […]