Keynote: Customer Service

It’s About Them— And It Starts With YOU!

Yes! You Matter!


Have you ever wondered why some businesses thrive— even under the most difficult of situations? And what keeps customers coming back to a company time after time?

Creating exceptional customer experiences is more than a luxury— it’s a core value and a strategic behavior for those who are serious about attracting and keeping their clients. Exceptional customer experience is more than waiting until a customer has a complaint. Exceptional customer experience begins from the moment a customer first encounters your company— with anyone or anything associated with your company.

What does a customer “see” when working with you? What picture stays in your customer’s mind after encountering your company? And will that picture bring a customer back or drive a customer away?

Join Kathleen for a fun and interactive presentation as together you

  • Discover why perception and expectations are key to understanding how your customers see you
  • Understand the Languages of Respect™ and how it influences your client’s TRUST
  • Learn why you matter— why every person matters— when it comes to creating exceptional customer experiences— both internally and externally!