Creating Excellence in Customer Experience…Taking Care of YOU!

  Welcome to CUSTOMER SERVICE SKILLS: Taking Care of YOU! I trust this finds you well. The current coronavirus has done much to change the way business—and life — is being conducted at this time. It is a strange season. But it is just that—a season. And we will get though this. This training is […]

Taking the STRESS Out Before It Stresses You Out!

Quit being polite! No… I didn’t say start being rude. I said quit being polite to the point that you shut down, walk away, boil, snipe, snap, and only end up venting to the people who can’t help you. Only you can help you and it’s time to start. Time after time I’ve run into […]

Co-workers, Family, and the Holiday Season

-Kathleen Randall, CSP Randall Resources International While the following article is one I re-post each year, I do so because I believe the information is timeless and a helpful reminder as each one of us goes into the upcoming weeks… “It’s the most wonderful time of the year…” Or so the song goes. With the […]

5 Reasons Why a Strategic Plan is NOT Enough!

“Vision without Action is a daydream.  Action without Vision is a nightmare.”  -Japanese Proverb Our daughter is a certified professional chef.  Whenever I accompany her in the kitchen, I am amazed as she combines various ingredients – some of which I think should not normally go together.  She knows which are great combinations based on […]

Looking for a gift that will last a lifetime?

Are you living a life with maximum impact and purpose? I am excited to officially introduce you to my new book— Man In The Windmill: Perceptions, Choices, and Pursuing Your Calling. This book was written to challenge, motivate, and inspire your heart in 3 insightful ways: To influence others through the knowledge and pursuit of […]