Taking the STRESS Out Before It Stresses You Out!

Quit being polite! No… I didn’t say start being rude. I said quit being polite to the point that you shut down, walk away, boil, snipe, snap, and only end up venting to the people who can’t help you. Only you can help you and it’s time to start. Time after time I’ve run into […]

Co-workers, Family, and the Holiday Season

-Kathleen Randall, CSP Randall Resources International While the following article is one I re-post each year, I do so because I believe the information is timeless and a helpful reminder as each one of us goes into the upcoming weeks… “It’s the most wonderful time of the year…” Or so the song goes. With the […]

It’s time for Spring planting!

by Jack C. Randall, CIC, PCLA, PFMM Planning or Planting. Is now the best time for both… or not ? Whether you are a full-fledged farmer or just a weekend warrior gardener, everyone knows the very best time of the year to plant is in the spring.  Generally speaking, a rule to plant by is […]

Looking for a gift that will last a lifetime?

Are you living a life with maximum impact and purpose? I am excited to officially introduce you to my new book— Man In The Windmill: Perceptions, Choices, and Pursuing Your Calling. This book was written to challenge, motivate, and inspire your heart in 3 insightful ways: To influence others through the knowledge and pursuit of […]

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year? 5 Steps to Keep Your Cool and Avoid Melt-Down During the Holiday Season

-by Kathleen Randall, CSP Randall Resources International “It’s the most wonderful time of the year…” Or so the song goes. With the holidays underway and ramping into high gear, many of us are over-extended and just one step away from an emotional melt-down! We’re over-worked, over-taxed, over-looked, and have less sleep, less time, and less […]